This week we have been exploring the letter P. I was quite surprised that the most obvious words such as pirate, princess and prince, did not really come up in conversation. Instead, the children were interested in Peter Pan, pumpkins and pancakes! We have been singing a song about "P" words in the pan, so you may hear this at home as it quickly spread and the children having been singing it at random times during the day!
Because the children were interested in Peter Pan, I was able to bring a Pop-Up book with sounds for the children to examine! They were in awe of the large pirate ship (again pirates were not discussed) and of the way the pictures pop out of the book. We discussed the different types of books there are and how they differ from one another!
The children talked about pancakes (it seems McDonalds breakfast in the weekend is very popular) so I was able to find a book by Eric Carle called Pancakes, Pancakes. We read the story together and found out where all the ingredients that go into making pancakes come from. We then mixed our own batter and cooked our own pancakes! The children enjoy cooking and have an understanding that ovens and cook tops are hot, and they warned each other not to stand so closely whilst I helped to cook and flip the pancakes. And of course, after we had finished we had fun eating our pancakes! Yum K1JW make great pancakes!
We will continue exploring the letter 'P' again this week.

Ms Jenney

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    Hello, My name is Ms Jenney and this is our K1 class blog! Please feel free to post your comments and enjoy sharing your child's learning with me.



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