The children have been exploring the letter ‘F’.

The sound of the letter ‘F’ is like a swimming ring being deflated! The children had fun using their hands to show this movement and making a deflating sound!  (I am thinking you all have had a demonstration of this at home!)

When discussing words that start with the Letter ‘F’ – fruit became a hot topic. The children examined their snack and lunchboxes and talked about their favourites.

As a class we decided to make a fruit salad…. so we asked parents to send in 1 piece of fruit.  We had bananas, strawberries, grapes, pears, oranges, apples, raspberries and nectarines!

The children were very thorough with their cleaning and washing of the fruit (connected to or UOI about water) and helped their teachers with the cutting and peeling of the fruit. (We only had a few grapes roll of the table!)

The children were proud of their fruit salad and many said it was the best fruit salad they had ever tasted – and I have to agree!

Ms Jenney


Last week, we explored the letter 'H". We found that many things start with this letter, even our friend Henry!
After coming in from playtime, Ronen said that we wear hats to keep the sun from burning us and it also starts with the letter 'H'.
Hats then became a hot topic....  I have a ben ten hat, I have an angry bird hat etc... The children then talked about other sorts of hats you can buy....
I was able to find many different types of hats at the school, which we had fun trying on and guessing who might use them. 
We found a book in the Library called 'Hats, Hats, Hats' by Ann Morris. We read this together and discussed the many uses for hats!  Hurray for the letter 'H'
During Literacy this week, we read the book 'Not A Box' by Antoinette Portis. 
In the story, a rabbit tells us that a box is not a box... it is many things such as a building, a mountain, a car and even a rocket!
We discussed as a class the many possibilities of what a box could be!
Here are the children's ideas! 
Keira - A funny head
Kaden - A boy
Henry - A Bear
Ronen - A Fox
Maximillian - An elephant seat
Chikako - A robot
Jakob - Captain Hook
Juno - A ballerina
Jessica - A ballerina
Aisha - A rainbow
Noam - Pickachu
Carmella - A princess
Rajananta - A princess
Lana - A Cat
Mahero - A pickachu

We then drew our visions!  And in case you are wondering, we did play in boxes!

Ms Jenney

Mari sent a letter for me to load onto the blog for you all!
She also sent some photo's of Tom, which I have uploaded.

Ms Jenney

Letter From Mari!

A happy new year!
I belived that you had a nice holiday and nice time with your family.
We left Singapore on 27th Dec. 2012 and moved into new apartment January 5th.
Tom started new school from 7th Jan.  He has been missing ISS friends and teachers so much.
He was bit scared to go to new school on his 1st day but he was welcomed by his class mates and teachers so now he is more relaxing going to his new school.
He wants to say hello to ISS friends and teachers in his new winter uniform!!  Fist winter for Tom in his 5 years life!!
Another picture in fron of Micky Bus was taken at a hotel near Tokyo Disney Land!   We bought an annual pass!  So anytime you come to visit us we are very happy to be your company going to Tokyo Disney Land, so please come to visit us.
Tom is expecting ISS friends will come to see him someday in Japan.   Tom is very very missing ISS friends so anyone can “Face time” please let me know.  He will be very happy to see you even through PC.
Wish you all the best in 2013
Keep in touch see you in Japan!
Mari and Tom    
On the last day of school, we had a visit from the man in the red suit!
Yes, Santa!
We all received a candy cane from Santa and we told him what we wanted for Christmas! The boys and girls assured Santa that they had all been good this year!  
I had to agree! All the children were risk-takers, going up on stage at the December concert and behaving so well during the boring parts! The children have worked hard all semester during class activities. 

Well done boys and girls!

Ms Jenney 

The December Concert was a busy time for all! 
We had many practices on our own and with the rest of the Elementary School.
On the night, the children got up on stage dressed in their best swimwear, and really made the 'splish, splash I was taking a bath' song their own!
Well done boys and girls!
Many of you came to watch the show... what you didn't see was what was happening back stage! Here are some photo's to give you an idea of what really went on!



    Hello, My name is Ms Jenney and this is our K1 class blog! Please feel free to post your comments and enjoy sharing your child's learning with me.



    May 2013
    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012
    August 2012


