During Literacy this week, we read the book 'Not A Box' by Antoinette Portis. 
In the story, a rabbit tells us that a box is not a box... it is many things such as a building, a mountain, a car and even a rocket!
We discussed as a class the many possibilities of what a box could be!
Here are the children's ideas! 
Keira - A funny head
Kaden - A boy
Henry - A Bear
Ronen - A Fox
Maximillian - An elephant seat
Chikako - A robot
Jakob - Captain Hook
Juno - A ballerina
Jessica - A ballerina
Aisha - A rainbow
Noam - Pickachu
Carmella - A princess
Rajananta - A princess
Lana - A Cat
Mahero - A pickachu

We then drew our visions!  And in case you are wondering, we did play in boxes!

Ms Jenney

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    Hello, My name is Ms Jenney and this is our K1 class blog! Please feel free to post your comments and enjoy sharing your child's learning with me.



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