As part of the CNY celebrations, the children talked about why the lion dance is so important, what food is eaten at this time of year, and who celebrates this holiday.
On Friday 8th February, the grade 1 and 2 children put on a play during assembly to help the rest of the ES understand about Chinese New Year. They also sang some songs as well as did a lion dance! The children were very excited to see a lion - and could not wait until Wednesday 13th when the lion dance would come - along with the drums to school.
On Wednesday 13th February 2013, the children came to school wearing either red, or traditional chinese costumes and watched a lion dance - (including the very loud drums!)
Unfortunately I was sick on this day and was unable to attend the lion dance myself with the children... however they did tell me the next day that they all enjoyed it.... other than the loud sound!
The children were so excited about lions, that we created our own class lion!  Here are some pictures of our celebrations!

Ms Jenney

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    Hello, My name is Ms Jenney and this is our K1 class blog! Please feel free to post your comments and enjoy sharing your child's learning with me.



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